If you are attempting to reply to an instructors email and you are getting an error similar to this:
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
Instructors name - [email protected] ([email protected])
Your message wasn't delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, the recipient's email system refused to accept a connection from your email system.
The email you received originated at Blackboard, not from the instructors email address. Notice the [email protected] at the end of the email address, that is the ACTUAL email address it originated from, which is the Blackboard system. Replying to it will fail.
To reach the instructor, start a NEW MESSAGE in your email and address it to the instructor's Concord email address, this is shown at the beginning of the email in the error, BEFORE the do-not-reply section. Instructors' email addresses end with @concord.edu
If you still have issues you can contact the IT Helpdesk at 304-384-5291 or [email protected]